Richardson has gain many voters through this election
season. At the time the petition for direct election was turned in, there were
49,980 registered voters in Richardson. On Election Day the total number of
registered voters, in both the Collin and Dallas County portions of Richardson, totaled 61,125.
Interestingly enough, only 13.2% (8068) of the total
registered voters voted against direct election of the mayor. Only 4 precincts had anti-direct election of
the mayor percentages above 20% of registered voters.
Precinct 2701 –28.57% - 6 out of 14 registered voters were
anti-direction election.
Precinct 2502 – 24.13% - 431 out of 1786 registered voters
were anti-direction election.
Precinct 2503 – 23.51% - 628 out of 2671 registered voters
were anti-direction election.
Precinct 2506 – 20.88 – 439 out of 2102 registered voters
were anti-direction election.
All other precincts had an average of far less than 20% of the voters who were
anti-direct election of the mayor. The average for all of the other precincts
that were anti-direct election of the mayor was 12%. It seems the anti-direct election forces really made up a very small minority of all registered voters.
So why do these 4 precincts, of the entire city, hold such
an anti-direct election of the mayor view?
You can make your own guesses as to why. The Richardson Coalition and their buddies have lots of egg on their face after being defeated so soundly.
Can we get all 7 of the council members to run for the mayor's spot at the same time this year? That would get some fresh faces in.