Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Spring is Here and So Are Wedding Notices

Third time’s a charm (talking about rumors there). So far, three people, who would be in the know, have told me there are some wedding plans being made. No date, just plans.

It seems our maybe soon former mayor to be will be getting married to the new man of her dreams before too long and saying "I Do". No doubt some will be saying "This surprises the do do out of me". While other will yawn and say, "Yup, I saw do do coming from a mile away".

While rumors about some questionable behavior have been circulating for 6 months or more, it seems things are moving a little fast now that things are in the semi-open.
First, March 19 of this year, she signed a conflict of interest form and so did he.

It seems that the rumors of being just close personal friends, might have been an understatement.  How far this stretches back, who knows for sure, other than the two of them. But it would be hard to believe that after less than a month of working together, they are ready to tie the knots.

So, best wishes for the bride and groom. And luck.

.... Just in, the rumored wedding date is June 20. So mark your calendars.


  1. Best wishes to the couple, if this is true. Spring time when a young man's thoughts turn to love, honor, obey and Spousal Privilege ...

    How sweet.

  2. I'll go with the "Yup, I saw do do coming from a mile away".

  3. They wouldn't have to testify against one another if this is true. A well thought out plan indeed.

  4. Is there spousal privilege in the Federal criminal system??

    1. Call Pete Smith; he would know.

  5. Just got a text from ************, wedding will be June 20.

  6. I know someone who will not be on the guest list. YOU!

    1. You know, I bet you are correct. Oh well, life goes on.

  7. Is Mark Jordan even divorced yet??

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Wow it must have been pretty bad for David to remove it!

    1. It crossed my line, as invisible that line might seem. Several other comments didn't make it as well.

  10. Duck Creek HOA general meeting this evening. Bob Townsend and Rick Wilder for Place 1 and Mabel Simpson for Place 4 were there. Claudia Tatum was a no show.

    There were general questions, no surprising answers. Rick did fine; Bob didn't stumble much over questions. Mabel is very impressive.

    If she's elected she immediately goes to 'smartest on the Council' or maybe a close second to Steve Mitchell or Rick in that category.

    Also there in the crowd, shaking hands with the crowd: Steve, Scott Dunn, Paul Voelker and Mark Solomon.

    Over 200 Duck Creek residents were in the crowd.

    OK, I'm voting for Rick and Mabel. I knew I would vote for Rick already since I've known him for many years.

    1. Sounds like a good meeting. Good for Duck Creek! Rick would be a good choice in my opinion. As for place 4, we have a winner either way. Mable and Claudia will shine head and shoulders above the rest of the council in intellect. My choice there will be Claudia though. She is the furthest away from the Richardson Coalition.
      Thanks for the update from Duck Creek.

    2. I would never vote for anyone being endorsed by the Richardson Coalition. I am extremely disappointed that Mabel Simpson won't distance herself from them. I never thought of her as being an opportunist, but she is. The fact that she won't stand up to them now means she will be controlled by them too. Deja vu all over again.

    3. Would like to see and hear from her opponent but that hasn't happened.

      Mabel won't be the weakest link on any City Council that has Solomon, Dunn, Townsend or Voelker on it ...

  11. I remembered what might be the most important (and troubling) item from the candidate question session:

    A question regarding "What should the Mayor do ...?" was asked. Rick and Mabel gave safe, generic "Let's see what comes from the independent investigation and then determine next steps..." responses (paraphrasing).

    Bob replied that he asked her to resign as soon as he learned of the possible relationship. (He did not categorize as business or personal.)

    Also, Bob said "The report will be back in 10 days so we will know the results soon. I am confident that no one on City Council was aware of any conflcit of interest until March when the Mayor .... " ... and I don't remember if Bob said 'when the Mayor told us...' or ' ... when she filed the conflict of interest forms...' but that is not material anyway.

    Here is the key point though. Bob said the report will be done in 10 days.

    How in the wide world of sports can an in-depth investigation with so many City staff, Council, developers ... be completed so soon? And if there are 10 more days to go, how the heck can Bob think that nothing will be discovered in those 10 days that will require further investigation?

    No one followed up with his answer last night. I did mention to the guy sitting by me 'That is one quick investigation...' but didn't say anything else.

    What the heck is going on? There already is a 'delivery date' for this in-depth independent investigation? And that date is (conveniently) just prior to election day?

    Is the "independent" investigation contract available through Freedom of Information ... just on the off-chance that there might be something in writing that outlines what Pete Smith is paying the investigator to do?

    Dang. What a mess. . .

  12. Mayor Mascara is definitely getting married for spousal immunity - no other reason to get married, she already has kids and she wears the scarlett letter

    1. And her intended seems to enjoy the playboy role. Holding court at Shadys lunch while she sits at the other end of the table.

    2. With all respect, Anon 10:34 and 12:43, who cares?

      I'm interested in what their relationship was when she started supporting the 1,000 apartments. What she and he are doing now, and why, really doesn't mean a thing.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. There is that almost invisible line crossing again.

  13. Looks like the citizenry got out-slicked by the city hall operatives again. This is truly an amazing tale of deceit and dastardly deeds. Somebody needs to write the book. Surely she's not knocked up. So, why the rush? Beginning a relationship with deception is also what will define the marriage, or how it will end. The only party getting screwed is the good people of Richardson.

    1. Nah, there are a few kids in the middle of this mess.

  14. The way I look at it they are saving two other good and decent people from a bad life by marrying each other..
