Thursday, November 15, 2012

City of Richardson City Charter - Section 11.07

It seems the city leaders might be taking liberties with money from the water, sewer and solid waste funds they might ought not to take. Even if it is standard practice in other cities or allowed by state law, it seems the G&A transfers, about $46 million since 2004, might be a tad bit illegal.

That $46 million sure could have made for some lower utility bills over the years, without the needless rate increases we have had.

Section 11.07 - The Council may at any time transfer an unencumbered balance of an appropriation made for the use of one department, division, or purpose; but no such transfer shall be made of revenues or earning of any nontax supported public utility for any other purpose.

It kind of reminds me of the ime when the charter said that all meetings of the council will be open to the public and the city officials acted as if the city charter was just a list of suggestions, rather than the rule of law. Their reasoning was that if everyone else was doing it, then they could do it too. That turned into a lawsuit and Richardson was forced to change the charter.


  1. Former assistant city manager Michelle Thames remarked at a work session "it makes no sense to just let it (Fund Reserves) sit there. So Water Fund, Solid waste Fund, and Golf Fund were hit with hefty G &A transfers.

    Looking just at my water bill lately, I see the three dollar plus new fee for "wastewater, (shifted to citizens from general fund),the very large increase in water/sewer fees,(ostensibly due to NTMWD pipeline, and real expectations for increased water fees for the next few years.

    Those increased fees could have been offset by the water fund reserve that the city decided "shouldn't just sit there."

  2. Hello! This is why we need an independent Mayor and a new council. Every time you turn around we get another fee attached. Let us get a balanced budget and get rid of our debt
