Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Bob Townsend Will Not Run Again, Rumor Has It

The old era is slowly coming to an end. Bob Townsend will not be running for re-election in May. If Laura decides to run for the mayor's seat, that will be 2 open seats.

Slowly, things are finally changing and the old guard is going away. Some will be missed, and some will not.

So that is the "Rumor Has It" of the day.


  1. Bobby last-great-act-of-defiance Townsend not running again, again? Somehow I think, with the charter change, this time he might not be telling a lie. But, there's not much hope for any kind of meaningful transformation if Laura takes the seat. Unfortunately, Amir & Laura are about as good as it gets for candidates. The good people are not consumed with leaching off the public to stoop to the position. Too bad, there are some really good people who have their house in order who could bring respectability to city hall.

  2. I can tell you how to get Bob to run. Tell him a certain individual is going to run again for Place 1. That will send Bob to be the first in line to get his council package.

  3. Bob hasn't run in 20 years. He is a has been who ought to be gone. He contributes nothing and he is a horrid mayor. I say that after voting for him the last few elections. Bob, please, oh god please. for the love of the community stay home this time.

  4. For the sake of this city, I hope that Bob will not run. He contributed nothing as a council member, mayor pro tem, and even less as mayor. He should thank the Richardson Coalition for his position, as he would have never been more than a mediocre council member had it not been for Chuck and his gang. Bob is an embarrasment to this city, and needs to go - not just as mayor, but as the place 1 council member.
