Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tea Party Q & A Tonight

Tonight you have another chance to see what the candidates for Richardson mayor have to say. So prepare your question and hopefully there will enough time tonight for an answer.


  1. Lively but wished the questions had more substance. Will someone ask Leopard why we spent so much time education and why he thought that was relevant?

  2. Because that unfortunately, is another organization whose members allow an ego-centric "leader" to control it's actions and limit questions asked of candidates. Not helpful in generating meaningful or accurate answers to the reasons for long term management actions that have become their own entrenched culture over the years. The uncontrolled , widespread credit card use far in excess of need or prudence, ballooning food /entertainment expenses through those cards, consultant contracts for virtually every activity, constant large fund sweeps, and the obfuscating use of bond funds are but a few.

  3. Because that unfortunately, is another organization whose members allow an ego-centric "leader" to control it's actions and limit questions asked of candidates. Not helpful in generating meaningful or accurate answers to the reasons for long term management actions that have become their own entrenched culture over the years. The uncontrolled , widespread credit card use far in excess of need or prudence, ballooning food /entertainment expenses through those cards, consultant contracts for virtually every activity, constant large fund sweeps, and the obfuscating use of bond funds are but a few.
